
Many organizations anticipate making changes to their HR structures in the coming years, according to a survey.

Research by Towers Watson found that almost half of global organizations will be making changes by the end of 2013, compared to 28 percent last year. About two-thirds of them indicated that they will do so to improve their efficiency, while many are also looking to lower costs and derive other benefits.

Just over one-quarter plan to outsource some HR functions, while others will adopt different approaches. Employee benefit consultants may be able to help organizations meet their goals and restructure their HR processes more effectively.

Researchers noted that outsourcing on a large scale has grown less popular among many companies, which are now pursuing shared services models instead. Regardless of their methodology, HR management software and other technological tools remain a focus, with 53 percent saying their level of spending on HR technology will match that allocated last year and 31 percent saying they will increase spending.

HR changes may be tied to other factors, such as healthcare reforms and the development of wellness programs.