
Employee benefit communication specialists are launching a new survey of managers to determine how they strategize and implement communication, since that can substantially impact the claims and costs associated with a benefits package.

One HR executive noted that the way a company educates and communicates with its employees can determine the return on investment the firm receives, with stronger approaches helping employees remain healthy, happy and productive, BLR reports. Researchers wish to determine what methods are effective, an issue which professionals indicate may not have been studied much to date.

Employee benefit consultants can help companies assess their current plan administration efforts and determine whether employees are disproportionately using or failing to use certain benefits due to limited awareness. Education efforts could help make workers aware of preventive care coverage they have through a health insurance policy, for example, or encourage them to take advantage of dental benefits. These types of care can reduce employer expenses in the long run, according to some research, but some of those with coverage do not use it. If this is because they are unaware of the extent of their benefits, improved communication may remedy the problem.