
Many employers have the pleasure of dealing with insurance carriers over the course of years. They have developed relationships with certain agents and have become familiar with the way certain companies do business. There is a great deal of peace of mind that such a situation offers. Unfortunately, such arrangements are rare as well as fragile.

Despite being able to call a familiar agent with a question whenever it arises, many employers will need to constantly develop new relationships with vendors and carriers in order to provide a robust and dynamic package of benefits. Diverse workforces that retain the best workers need to be constantly reviewed and updated, meaning that the tight bonds that exist with a life insurance agent may not be possible with other professionals.

Fortunately, the comfort and familiarity that employers seek can be at least partially replicated by using an employee benefit specialist as a medium. This type of consultant is familiar with the entire industry and its component companies to an extent that comes close to offering the security that a personal relationship with an individual agent can provide.