
For quite some time, some of the best jobs available were in the public sector. Working for a state agency, federal entity or local department meant that an employee would make a good wage, received excellent health benefits and was in the process of accumulating a pension that would keep them comfortable well into their retirement.

The volatile economic climate in this country has changed this situation so that the benefits government workers were once guaranteed are no longer as appealling. Pension funds can't maintain their solvency and some groups are even losing their ability to collectively bargain. This has made for more than a few disgruntled public sector workers who feel that their hard work is going unrewarded.

Private employers can take advantage of this situation by offering stellar benefits to employees who can possibly be tempted away from the public sector and enticed to work for commercial companies. Employee benefit consultants can help employers set up cost-effective benefit packages that guarantee workers all the perks to which they've become accustomed. Before they know it, executives and human resources professionals will be deluged with resumes from workers fleeing the public sector.