
Recent college graduates who thought they would be facing a better job market than their class of 2010 peers may be unpleasantly surprised as they begin to send their resumes to companies across the country. That is because human resource system experts are stating that new alumni may be underqualified for many available jobs, according to the Society for Human Resource Management.

While recent graduates may find they have the advantage in some aspects of job hunting, it may not be enough to secure gainful employment, or land a job that offers worksite benefits.

Being tech savvy, as most young adults are, can put an individual at the top of the pack. Additionally, many HR managers state that they are hiring for entry level positions, which is what most grads will be seeking. Unfortunately, many of the same professionals stated that their company does not have a comprehensive human resource system in place to train such new hires, SHRM reports. Creating such a system could improve a company's recruitment of talented young workers.

To help combat the current job situation, some HR professionals recommend going back to school for help in kick-starting careers.

"HR professionals recommend recent graduates and those soon to graduate utilize their university career center programs and official graduate recruiting channels," Evren Esen of SHRM explained.