In a surprise to no one – including the lawmakers involved – President Barack Obama recently vetoed legislation that would repeal what many describe as his administration’s legacy: The Affordable Care Act.
In an attempt to outbid other business owners from scooping up top-tier talent, companies are increasing their starting salary offers to job seekers who are on the hunt for a new job, according to newly released survey data.
As of late December, slightly more than 2 million people under the age of 35 have purchased health insurance through the website, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Most individuals in the United States receive health insurance through employer benefits, as the workplace is often the most convenient way that consumers can obtain coverage and have it be affordable at the same time. However, the cost of coverage got a bit more expensive for employers and policyholders in 2015, as newly released data reveals that premiums rose in 2015.
Less than 10 percent of uninsured consumers – 7 percent – can correctly identify the health care enrollment deadline, based on a recent poll conducted by the Kaiser Family Foundation.
Many businesses are trending away from end-of-year reviews, believing it will save time, energy and resources, thereby increasing productivity. But if you ask workers how they feel about their elimination, you get decidedly mixed reviews.
Even though cost considerations can make offering a full boat of health coverage challenging for business owners – whether large or small – they understand that it’s something workers have come to expect. Additionally, employee benefits help to stimulate engagement, prompting workers to be more motivated to produce a quality product.
‘Tis the season for the spreading of holiday cheer with family and friends gathered from far and near. Based on a recent poll, however, many Americans aren’t taking their Christmas pleasantries with them to the office.
The race for the White House is in full swing, as candidates on both sides of the aisle – Democrats and Republicans – are touring the country, shaking hands and pressing flesh with the nation’s voters who will hit the polls come the first Tuesday in November to decide who they think is the most qualified person to reside at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.