Government data indicates Medicare insurance premiums have remained stable this year, USA Today reports, which some are attributing to healthcare reforms and efforts to educate seniors about them.
According to a recent statewide survey, the majority of small businesses in New York are pleased with the implementation of a new state healthcare exchange.
The U.S. population 65 and older is the largest ever in terms of both absolute size and percentage of the nation’s total population, according to a brief released by the Census Bureau.
Companies that are looking to offer their staff the utmost in valuable employee benefits often need to interact with large insurance companies and other benefits vendors.
Employers have a wide array of benefit choices with which they can compensate their employees, and the means by which they do so can vary from state to state.
Some companies are concerned that meeting expected reporting and HR compliance requirements from the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) will be a waste of resources and difficult to execute, Human Resource Executive Online (HREO) reports.