A leading public interest law firm has called for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' secretary to be held accountable for the problem-plagued health exchange rollout.
The American Center for Law and Justice – an organization that, admittedly, has long been opposed to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act – recently called for HHS secretary Kathleen Sebelius to be subjected to a substantial line of inquiry regarding why the websites for the online marketplaces have gotten off to such a poor start.
"Whether it's the website, the inability of Americans to secure affordable health care, or the millions of Americans who are losing health care coverage today, ObamaCare is proving to be a national disaster," said Jay Sekulow, chief counsel for the ACLJ. "HHS Secretary Sebelius has a critical opportunity to come forward before the Congressional committee and tell the truth – take responsibility for this debacle – and tell Americans why this program is failing."
On Oct. 30, the former governor of the state of Kansas testified on Capitol Hill before the House Energy and Commerce Committee. Political observers say she received many questions from lawmakers about why there have been so many glitches at Healthcare.gov and what steps were taken in the early going to ensure that something like that wouldn't happen.
One of the reported failures of the rollout is that many people who were insured privately, rather than through employee benefits, have been dropped from their coverage policies due to their failing to comply with some of the provisions of the health care law. According to conservative think tank National Center for Public Policy Research, more than 1.5 million cancelations have resulted in the one month since the enrollment period began.