
Understanding the legal implications of wage garnishment can be a challenge for employees, and human resource managers may face a variety of questions as a result. Employee benefit consultants can provide information and resources to equip any supervisor as she handles a worker's wage garnishment concerns.

Wage garnishment occurs for many reasons including failure to pay taxes, bills or child support. The federal government requires an employer to withhold a worker's pay – failing to comply can result in legal penalties. Anti-discrimination laws have been created to protect an employee from losing her job due to wage garnishment.

Organizations walk a fine line following government regulations while helping employees. Understanding the rules and stipulations relating to wage garnishment can help employers maintain a productive environment that can eliminate the worries of supervisors and workers.

Hiring employee benefit consulting firms give employers the opportunity to learn about wage garnishments. The consultants offer advice and resources to help managers become savvy about the issues surrounding wage garnishment. Supervisors can use the tools to assist an organization remain compliant to federal laws while offering support to employees.