
Companies that are searching for candidates in order to fill an open position always try to make it sound as appealing as possible. Hiring someone is a major investment for many businesses, so it is important to be assured that a future staff member will be talented and diligent in all of their efforts. Compensation must be commensurate with skill, and good workers need to be rewarded.

Unfortunately, many employers make the mistake of misunderstanding how personnel interpret and search for compensation. For example, according to a survey by BLR, over 61 percent of employees consider full health coverage a more important incentive than their salaries. This is surprising for some staffers and business owners, who fail to take into the account the high cost of medical care.

It is therefore essential for organizations that need to fill their ranks with the utmost in talent to make the reward for occupying key positions more diverse and complicated than simply salaries. Employee benefits brokers can help to make such diversity possible – their expertise can help to make healthcare and other benefits available and affordable so that workers will be attracted to a company and will stay with it for some time.