Many businesses may have already turned to the internet to make their operations more streamlined. However, businesses in the know may be moving more towards online platforms for everything from signing employees up for worksite benefits to recruiting new staff.
Moving some of these services to virtual platforms may relieve some of the burden on HR management systems and allow HR representatives more time to act as benefits consultants and focus on talent management.
Recruiting new talent on sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Google Plus could make the hiring process easier for HR managers, and draw in tech savvy individuals, according to Business News Daily. Using social media outlets to recruit engages potential employees in an innovative way that could drive more job-seekers to a company and therefore increase the hiring pool.
HR management systems may also want to employ technology when it comes to open enrollment season, as the abundance of information concerning healthcare reform and how it may impact employee benefits is sure to be a concern this year, according to Benz Communications.
Communication should be simple, straightforward and frequent, according to the source. Creating a Facebook page or Twitter feed for employees to follow during open enrollment could help disperse information in a way that group emails may not.