
Most services that employers provide their workers by way of compensation can be generalized across an entire staff. In fact, one of the most common ways to differentiate between the benefits that separate sets of employees will receive is age. After all – older workers will likely be more concerned about health insurance and retirement funds than their younger counterparts would be.

However, another aspect of benefit packages that concerns different types of workers is gender. There are quite a few issues related to women's health that must be accounted for in thorough health coverage plans and that aren't necessary for men at all. Employers need to be sure that they don't forget to provide for female personnel while refraining from overpaying for these benefits.

These services can include HPV testing, STD counseling, contraception supplies, breastfeeding support and domestic violence assistance. Of course, be sure to counterbalance these services with their counterparts for men, including prostate exams. To strike the proper balance, contact an employee benefit specialist who can help to make a comprehensive package for all employees affordable.